One Sunday in October of 1999 in the lake you see a white spot. What can be ?, a swan ?, impossible, never seen in these parts, and yet …
Descend on the banks to see it up close, he is elegant and sinuous, accepts the bread that we offer, it is as if he had a small file instead of teeth, Some children enjoy a lot, although at a safe distance; It does not appear to be dangerous.
But how nice !, where he did ?, but does not fly? Who brought it?
Thus begins the adventure of Baldassare Lake Sirio ended violently in a beautiful May evening after nearly 16 years. Over time, the lake becomes for him a fief on which rule the roost, absolute lord and increasingly arrogant in strong defense of its territory too often invaded by those who foolishly harassing and who gets too close to its nest.
He shared the lake for two years with another swan (or cigna?) Later found dead. In the summer of 2002 there’s even another 6 his fellows, migratory, and everyone is a unique spectacle, beautiful to behold. With these intruders does not socialize much. But shares with them, in spite of himself, the Sirio waters. Space enough for everybody and when in late August hovering in the sky certainly can not follow them because of his disability the right wing.
For him are wasted comments on its beauty and photographing the many, sometimes it seems you put posing to be admired opening his majestic wings. In many … adopt bringing the food, especially bread, which he dips in water to soften it and be able to swallow more easily.
In recent years, after the winter months of solitary wandering from one side to ‘other end of the lake, in complete solitude, however, it becomes more aggressive in the spring and when the man invades this immense territory that has become all over the lake, it feels like a ‘a regrettable intrusion, an invader and confronted him.
If “adocchiati” reaches them everywhere with impetuous strokes of his webbed feet and confronts them with his animal instinct: a pecking or wing. Whether swimmers or several boats.
This is a problem for those who want to enjoy long swims or for leisure sports in one of the few lakes in the area.
Perhaps it would be better to preserve it, moving it, simply another body of water where to manifest his instinctive freedom.
Now, after his death, we talk about this ugly story, flake comments on FaceBook, all in disbelief in front of this unnecessary cruelty.
Baldassarre, thanks to its majestic figure, had become the symbol of the lake, a reference for those who still are enchanted by the beauty of nature.
We want to remember with this reflected in the lake, moved by the slight ripple of the waves which for many years has sailed.
Hello Baldassarre solitary swan and authoritarian.